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Totale: 10 risultati.
Tag: Topics:Organizzazione
The "Meeting" Project management
L'Esperto (Breve scenetta comica) Una divertente riunione di lavoro che illustra come sia difficile per un esperto iniziare un "progetto" quando non è chiaro e ben definito l'obiettivo e vi sono molte richieste contradditorie tra loro. La fase 1 del projectmind, Analysis ha l'obiettivo di ben definire questo punto.  Qui potete trovare i template per fare una buona definizione di obiettivo d ...
Archibald Russell
Sir Archibald Russell, CBE, FRS (30 May 1904 – 29 May 1995) was a British aerospace engineer who worked most of his career at the Bristol Aeroplane Company, before becoming managing director of the Filton Division when Bristol merged into British Aircraft Corporation in 1960. He also served as the vice-chairman of the BAC-Sud Aviation Concorde Committee that produced the Concorde, working alongsid ...
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Project Management Ocean's style
Project Management Ocean's style Let's learn Project Management Concepts through the Movie '"Ocean's Eleven"  
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Oceans Eleven Planning
Oceans Eleven Planning Let's see in this small extract from the movie "Ocean's Eleven" how to plan for a Project
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Project Network Diagrams
Problem-Solving Techniques #10: Project Network Diagrams Learn how to draw a simple Project Network Diagram to illustrate the sequence of activities in a project.
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Project Management Problem Solve
Project Management Problem Solve Just a quick and hopefully fun PM calculation.
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Agile PM: Scrum & Sprint Demystified
Agile Project Management: Scrum & Sprint Demystified Devin Deen of introduces a 'no fluff' video that demystifies Agile Methodology and it's role in project management, in a few short minutes. Want to fully understand the Agile approach? Watch as Devin shares his whiteboard Agile training skills with you. Learn exactly what Agile Project Management with Scrum is all about. ...
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Conflict Management
PMP® | Conflict Management | Project Human Resource Management Conflict Management is one other human resource management knowledge area. When there are two or more individuals involved in an enterprise, conflicts are likely to happen. Important factors generating conflicts in a project management environment include When -- schedule time What - priorities Who -- who will work on specific module ...
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Project Status Report
  1. Short project status report template This template from the Office template library is short and to the point. It has fields to summarize the project status, give an overview of the project’s key tasks, budget, and issues. Download: (Word)   2. Monthly project status report template This in-depth template from the University of Manitoba comes w ...
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1. Weekly timesheet template by client This template is designed to track a specific employee’s activities for the entire week. It has room to include details about the client, project, billable hours, and rate for each day. Download: (Excel)   2. Employee time tracking template This highly customizable template can be modified to cover any reporting perio ...
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