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Work Schedules


1. Weekly employee work schedule

1. Weekly employee work schedule

This detailed weekly work schedule template includes fields to add hourly pay rates, total pay, and daily activities for each employee. Although designed for shift workers, you can use it in an agency setting as well.

Download: (Excel)


2. Bi-weekly employee work schedule template

2. Bi weekly employee work schedule template

You might need to create detailed daily schedules for some resources, such as designers working on multiple projects simultaneously. This template will come in handy in such cases.

Download: (Excel)


3. Daily work schedule template

3. Daily work schedule template

This detailed daily work schedule is perfect for managing the daily activities of your resources by the hour. It also includes a list of activities for the week along with room for adding notes.

Download: (Excel)


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Tags: Topics: Template,Work schedule
Type of content: Template
Language: English