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Totale: 6 risultati.
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The "Meeting" Project management
L'Esperto (Breve scenetta comica) Una divertente riunione di lavoro che illustra come sia difficile per un esperto iniziare un "progetto" quando non è chiaro e ben definito l'obiettivo e vi sono molte richieste contradditorie tra loro. La fase 1 del projectmind, Analysis ha l'obiettivo di ben definire questo punto.  Qui potete trovare i template per fare una buona definizione di obiettivo d ...
Emily Phillips
Emily has a background in Management Consulting and Information Technology where she demonstrated talent in the areas of software, enterprise planning and architecting custom solutions for clients. Emily partners with her clients to understand their specific financial environment, priorities and vision for the future. She places a high level of importance on client communications to better underst ...
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Tres Roeder
Goerge “Tres” Roeder, a former consultant with Booz Allen Hamilton, founded Roeder Consulting in 2001. Roeder Consulting enjoys a 90% success rate in its projects and a reputation for outstanding people skills programs that have been enjoyed by thousands of project managers.
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Project Management Ocean's style
Project Management Ocean's style Let's learn Project Management Concepts through the Movie '"Ocean's Eleven"  
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Oceans Eleven Planning
Oceans Eleven Planning Let's see in this small extract from the movie "Ocean's Eleven" how to plan for a Project
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Oceans Eleven Project Management SOW
Oceans eleven project management SOW A Ocean's Eleven movie clip used to illustrate project management statement of work
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